Pregnancy can be a great time to develop a deeper relationship with nature. For some women, following the seasons as they transition from one to the next during pregnancy can provide an added opportunity for personal reflection or journaling. Later in life, when you return to your pages they will speak of the changes that occurred in your external world while new life grew within.
This method of tracking your pregnancy is really quick and easy, requiring just a basic knowledge of your local seasons – as long as you live in an area with a four season pattern.
Tracking your pregnancy by the seasons doesn’t provide you with an actual date, but gives a general idea of when baby is due, for example, mid winter. Also, please note, the suggestions here are for your interest only. You should always be under the care of a health professional who will provide an accurate estimated due date.
Use the chart below to find where the first day of your last menstrual period falls in the year’s seasons. Or note the season from your own observations. Note also whether your LMP is early or late in the season. Then count each new season, at the same stage, until you reach the third season (don’t count the LMP).
For example:
First day of last menstrual period = February 1, 2016
Season = Towards the end of Winter
Count 1 = Towards the end of Spring (early May)
Count 2 = Towards the end of Summer (early August)
Count 3 = Towards the end of Fall (early November)
Your baby will come soon after the start of November.
Northern Hemisphere Seasons:
Spring: March, April, May
Summer: June, July, August
Fall/Autumn: September, October, November
Winter: December, January, February
Southern Hemisphere Seasons:
Spring: September, October, November
Summer: December, January, February
Fall/ Autumn: March, April, May
Winter: June, July, August